shanghai aquarium
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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Southeast Asian gourami and barb tank (China)
Pair of silver arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) (China)
Black ghost knifefish (China)
Rainbow fish from Australia and New Guinea (China)
Giant catfish, snakehead, barbs, gourami in an Asian aquarium (China)
Giant shovelnose catfish (China)
Lake Malawi mbuna cichlid biotope tank (China)
South American tetra tank (China)
Moss-backed or Green Haired turtle (Mauremys mutica) (China)
Black and white jellyfish at Shanghai's aquarium (China)
Black jellyfish (China)
Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) (China)
Pleco with orange-red fins (China)
Glossolepis incisus (China)
Arowana as seen from below in the Amazon fish tunnel at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Lobster and squirrelfish (China)
Archer fish (Toxotes jaculatrix) in a biotope tank at Shanghai's aquarium (China)
White and dark purple jellyfish (China)
Pale Ahub (Zacco platypus) (China)
Black, white,and gray jellies on a blue background (China)
Ophiocephalus argus (China)
Black plecostomus with turquoise polka-dots (China)
Paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) (China)
Giant arapaima (China)
Arapaima and a giant shovelnose catfish (China)
Black, white,and gray jellyfish (China)
Flowerhorn cichlid (China)
Australian and New Guinean rainbowfish (China)
Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) (China)
Gourami biotope (China)
Giant southeast Asian fish (China)
Silver arowana in the Amazon walkway at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Neon tetras, emporer tetras, and other tetras (China)
Visitors at the Shanghai aquarium Amazon fish tunnel (China)
Panchax killifish (China)
Black and white jellies at the aquarium in Shanghai (China)
Rainbowfish biotope (China)
Gouramis (China)
Pair of giant adult silver arowana (China)
Arowana in the Shanghai aquarium fish tunnel (China)
Green Terror (Aequidens rivulatus) (China)
Zacco platypus (China)
Spinosa frog (Paa boulengeri) (China)
Rainbowfish tank at the aquarium in Shanghai (China)
Giant arowana as viewed from below (China)
White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichtys albonubes) (China)
Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus) (China)
Southeast Asian biotope aquarium (China)
Malawi cichlid biotope (China)
Margined Bullhead (Leiobagrus marginatus) (China)
Scats and archer fish in a brackish water river estuary biotope tank (China)
Malawi mbuna cichlids (China)
Freshwater needlefish (China)
Australia and New Guinea rainbowfish (China)
Brackish water biotope tank with Archerfish and scats (China)
Yellow margined Box turtle (Cistoclemmys flavomarginata) from southern China (China)
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (China)
Snakehead (Ophiocephalus argus) (China)
Arapaima gigas (China)
Adult Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus) (China)
Dark sleeper (Odontobutis obscura) (China)
Paradisefish (Macropodus opercularis) (China)
Masses of multicolored jellyfish (China)
Yellow-spotted black Amazon stingray (Potamotrygon leopoldi). AKA Polka dot ray (China)
Tourists at the Amazon fish tunnel at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Dwarf ram (Microgeophagus or Papiliochromis ramirezi) cichlid (China)
Giant Chinese Salamander (China)
Freshwater crab partially buried in gravel (China)
Rainbowfish from Australia and New Guinea (China)
Asian aquarium with Tilapia (China)
Archerfish display tank (China)
Plecostomus (suckermouth catfish) with orange to red fins (China)
Sturgeon (China)
Pair of Parachromis managuensis (China)
Wattle-necked softshell turtle (Palea steindachneri) (China)
Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) (China)
South American turtle at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Pair of Arapaima (China)
Malawi cichlid tank at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Visitors at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Banded loach (China)
Aequidens rivulatus (China)
Arapaima gigas at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Gourami aquarium in Shanghai (China)
Rainbow fish tank (China)
South American turtle (China)
Spinosa frog (Paa boulengeri): inhabits small mountainous creeks at 600-1500 m above sea level. Considered a rare delicacy as well as useful for traditional Chinese medicine (China)
Several black ghost knifefish at the Shanghai Aquarium (China)
Black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) (China)
Chinese water dragon (China)
Adult Arapaima gigas at the aquarium in Shanghai (China)
Odontobutis obscura (China)
Green Terror, a South American cichlid (China)
Southeast Asian biotope tank with red-tailed sharks (Labeo bicolor) (China)
Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) (China)
Malawi mbuna cichlid aquarium (China)
Archer fish (Toxotes jaculatrix) in a biotope aquarium (China)
Managuense cichlid (China)
Tank modeled after Malawi cichlid biotope (China)
Black loricarid pleco with blue-green spots (China)
Rainbow fish aquarium (China)
Red rainbowfish (China)
Cistoclemmys flavomarginata (China)
Dwarf ram tank (China)
Archer fish (Toxotes sp.) (China)
Visitor checking out a sturgeon at the Shanghai aquarium (China)
Physignathus cocincinus (China)